Sunday 16 November 2014

FIFA Corruption

It seems to me that there is no doubt in anybodies mind that our game is run by a corrupt organisation in FIFA.  The problem is that it appears nothing can be done about.  The recent criticism of the English FA seems harsh but i wouldn't be surprised if corruption is as rife in our own self appointed rulers of the game as it is in the worldwide organisation.  The giving and receiving of "gifts" seems to be expected or even demanded with reports suggesting that watches valued at many thousands of pounds came home from Brazil and that England's latest bid to host world cup did not contain enough "stardust" or gifts for the delegates, its expected and representatives from our FA are just as bad taking these gifts and only returning them once the press find out and criticise them, if they hadn't printed the stories the people at the top of the game in this country would of course have lined their own pockets never considering returning the watches, it's corrupt and has to change and the outrage at the recent report needs to be stopped our FA is just as corrupt.

Having said that FIFA are absolutely outrageous if world cup venues are sorted by gifts and gratuities then Russia and Qatar are currently the obvious winners, the places that can provide the money that is needed, it happened,  votes were bought, we all know it the two least suitable places were picked.  In the case of Qatar a traditional summer world cup could actually cost players their lives but they still won the vote, no worries we will just change to the winter, terrible decision but we all know why.  Oh and by the way the Qatar's former boss of football Mohamed bin Hamman is serving a life ban for corruption but it's ok FIFA tell us he didn't have anything to do with the bid, of course he didn't, well ok just a little bit, you sure it wasn't more than that, The Times have now published an article that includes electronic messages that show that bin Hamman was a central figure in the Qatari bidding committee, a man that is banned for life ..... for corruption, unbelievable.
Its ok though FIFA have recently completed an investigation into themselves and found themselves, wait for it, totally innocent of any wrong doing, so thats ok then.  Hold on Chief FIFA investigator Michael Garcia, says that the report he wrote from which FIFA have taken their findings has been taken out of context with FIFA's findings containing inaccuracies and that they were a selective portrayal of his original findings.  So what we are saying here is that FIFA's own investigator found that they were corrupt but they ignored his findings changed his report a little and found themselves innocent and cleared themselves of any wrong doing, good work FIFA.  All this after many of the the people accused or involved have resigned their positions, obviously they resigned over nothing they just all decided to resign for no reason.

On top of all this is the fact that the man at the very top, the most corrupt of the all, the man who has let of of this happen Blatter is actually insane.  Again we all now it the constant stream of stupid ideas and comments we all have just laughed but it appears that this power hungry lunatic will not be going away anytime soon and that under him the future of our game is not safe.  So what can we do?  On the face of it nothing, FIFA are the self appointed rulers of worldwide football as are the FA in this country, I have never understood how an organisation such as the FA can be self appointed Judge and Jury dishing out fines and bans far in excess of any court and where does the money go oh yeh the FA of course fine people and keep the money for yourself is always the best way to ensure a fair hearing.   Germany have recently suggested that UEFA pulls out of FIFA but again this would just leave the idiots at UEFA such as Platini in charge, same problems, same outcome in my opinion.  I fear we are left with no solution other than hope that some good fair people eventually work their way into positions of power and start the long process of healing our game, in the meantime we will play the World Cups where we are told, FIFA and its representatives will line their pockets and in the end the cash will come out of the fans pockets, the more things change the more they stay the same.


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