Thursday 16 October 2014

Should We Forgive?

With Sheffield United recently admitting they are thinking about re-signing ex player, convicted rapist, Ched Evans We must ask the question is this morally correct?

Evans was convicted of rape and has served his time he has completed the punishment placed on him by society but should we all now just forgive him and return him to the hero status he enjoyed before, I argue no, certainly not.  I accept that he has done his time but I don't accept that anybody including me has to forgive or certainly the victim, her family and friends have to forgive him.  It's not that he shouldn't be allowed to work he should but he shouldn't be allowed or placed in a position allowing him to be hero worshiped, footballers are role models to many, they are looked up to by many and not just children but grown men and I don't want somebody with a conviction for rape being looks up to by anybody, in fact almost the opposite should happen and he should be held up as an example of what is wrong with society.

I can understand why Sheffield would be considering this as an option, I really can.  Football is huge business and when a talented striker as Evans undoubtably is becomes available for nothing, everybody would be tempted and for Sheffield it must be more tempting as they have already invested money and time in Evans before he was convicted but they absolutely must take the lead on this issue look at the long term and stand up for the correct thing to do.  I'm certain that the vast majority of their supporters don't want to cheer and support this man or anybody like him, they don't want his name on the back of their shirts and they don't want their children looking up to this man.  Imagine if your child said to you that they wanted to grow up and be just like him.

The players union have inexcusably said that Evans deserves a second chance, no he doesn't, not in football, it's not their game it's ours and we don't want rapists representing us.  They should be standing up for the many hundreds, thousands of players who do deserve the support and admiration of our children, the players who do deserve our money, and who's skill will make us want to pay to watch for years in to the future.

it's not just Evans, rape and Sheffield, its all clubs and a moral stand point.  Some footballers have been out of control, young men with to much money who because of their standing in their communities feel they can get away with anything we have seen so much over the years but for me there is a line, it seems fine to help people who have perhaps had a drink or alcohol problem, especially if they can use their experiences and fame to help others but should we be allowing people into OUR game who have cheated using drugs, or who have fixed games showing a total lack of respect for their supporters and club I don't think so we as supporters are the victims of these crimes us and the clubs we love so much, force these people out of the game, not encourage them back in for a short term financial gain.  Rape is way way across the line nobody should be allowed back no matter who no matter how talented, please show the respect to the victims and the supporters that we all deserve.


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