Saturday 18 October 2014

Ticket Prices

Are ticket prices fair, of course not, no way, not even close, I can't afford to go to the game any more, never mind take my son, who because of not going is not developing the interest and the passion that I always have had.  It hurts that I can't go, I miss it and it hurts that he is missing out on something that has been a huge part of my life.  I don't mind admitting that I'm jealous of people who can go but I simply can't justify spending the amount of money needed to regularly attend Premier League games.

It would take well in excess of one hundred pound a week for the two of us to attend and that's before you add in anything to eat and drink, never mind the cost of everything else needed by a young boy to support a club, the shirt etc.  maybe not a lot to everybody , but that's a lot to me and I can no longer do it.

I blame the clubs plane and simple they are grabbing cash and as far as I can see not following simple economic rules.  We have known for a long time that despite all the bluster we here coming out of all the premier league teams that they really honestly do not give a shit about the everyday fan.  The players do, the manager probably does after all we pay their wages but the board and the club as a whole, no way, they couldn't give a shit, they know when I stop going there are plenty more to take my place and anyway I probably didn't have enough money anyway, there will be somebody else who will buy my ticket and they will probably spend more in the ground.

The prices have been rising year on year with pay rises in this country falling year on year making the real price higher and higher.  Many working class people are being forced out of the grounds and replaced with the higher earners that the clubs really want.  Traditional supporters, those who have created the atmosphere for years, the same atmosphere the television companies pay so much to experience have mostly been forced away in favour of higher earning, higher spending corporate supporters.

the clubs will argue that we all love the big name signings, to be able to compete they have to pay the big wages, they have to pay to get the players who will keep them in the league win the promotion.  That's probably all true, I certainly like it when my club buys a player and love to see a trophy won.  But do they need my money to do it, I doubt it the money raised in gate receipts is  not as big a part of the total income of a club as it used to be they make far more money from TV, sponsorship and investors and in one or two cases sugar daddies, gate receipts are becoming less and less important and clubs can afford to charge less and less.

The top clubs play huge wages, selling one player would allow these clubs to drop the cost of tickets dramatically, not because of the sale price but because of the saving in wages.  Is it ever considered, I doubt it, most the top clubs have hundreds of thousands a week in wages wasted in players who are not playing yet will not consider a small percentage price drop on ticket prices.

In my opinion the clubs are in danger of loosing support, many can't afford to take children their is a real danger of a whole generation not only missing out but going missing from the game, from the crowds for life, the clubs must be able to see this but don't appear to want to do anything about it.  Yes corporate money is important but don't lose the kids, the next generation of supporters, those who will create future atmospheres that you can sell to future tv companies, sponsors and corporate supporters.  

I'm not asking for the world, I am prepared to pay to go, just make tickets and everything else around the game affordable.  Three quid for a cup of tea is ridiculous, it's a cup of tea.  Make it so we can afford it and we will spend our money, the club will still get its hands on our cash we want to support our teams, just let us.

All those fans groups who were set up to put pressure on the clubs and leagues to look at ticket prices, please keep going, please keep working because we simply have to take our game back.


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