Monday 13 October 2014

Why Roy Hodgson? Just Why?

Roy Hodgson, England manager is a disgrace and i simply don't understand why people can't see it, why the media treat him like he is the saviour of English football, in fact I can't see why he is working in football at all, certainly in this country.
Normally the total, embarrassing failure in a World Cup finals is enough for the media and supporters to turn on him closely followed by people in general and then the FA.  With Hodgson we didn't just fail, he seemed to go out of his way to ensure we failed, we desperately needed a result against Uruguay, a team who were also under performing at that stage of the tournament and Luis Suarez was just returning from a long term injury.  Now we all know how Suarez feels about The FA and authority figures in England, so instead of letting things stay calm and quiet Hodgson winds up Suarez and ensures that he not only plays in the game when he may have taken further time to recover on the bench but winds him up enough to ensure he would put in a great performance, sure enough Suarez single handedly knocks us out of the World Cup, crying with the emotion of it all, whilst we get nothing but whimpers from Hodgson.  All this before we fail to score against Costa Rica, who we are told are a team of world beaters and before we know it we are coming home before we have started.
This is what Hodgson does again and again, he calls it managing expectations, I call it destroying the confidence of the team and individuals. We have recently been told that games against Costa Rica in the World Cup and Switzerland in the recent qualifiers are huge games Implying  we would do well to get a result, so when we do, our manager is a hero, since when, we should comfortably beat these teams we should be qualifying for the European Championship finals without dropping a point and if we do drop a point the media should be asking questions of the manager not buying into the rubbish he tells us, other managers have been destroyed by the media with far better records and I don't understand why Hodgson gets the unconditional support, he is managing all our expectations down to the point where we think a draw against Switzerland would be a good result, Switzerland.
I expect the England manager to be up to date on modern coaching methods including player recovery, so when a club with the stature of Liverpool give you information regarding the recovery of an influential player who maybe needs a little special treatment because of his injury record I would have thought you use this information to your advantage, that's just common sense right, no what Hodgson does is the opposite and instead of using a period for recovery forces the player to not just train but complete sprints even after the player expresses his concerns to coaches.  Of,course this results in an injury, the player is missing from the next three qualifying games and out for his club for well over a month.  Does Hodgson accept any responsibility, of course not, after all he knows best.  So now he has harmed the relationship between the national team and Liverpool and I'm sure other clubs have noticed, anything from the press, no, it appears we are supposed to accept this as well.
During the qualification for the World Cup at half time in a vital match against Poland Hodgson told a joke to illustrate a point about the teams play that several players allegedly thought had racist connotations, this did make the national media but was again largely laughed off, certainly no punishment, many others have correctly received harsh punishments for racist incidents, many people would lose their jobs on the spot, anything for Hodgson? No not a thing, if he is not racist, this shows he is at least an idiot and incompetent, neither are adjectives I want associated with the England manager.
During England's match against Estonia on Sunday following Rooneys goal the commentator made a comment that just prior to his goal England were preparing to take him off, nothing wrong with that, this happens relatively often, as the manager I would have thought you just thank your lucky stars and get on with it.  So why after the game does Hodgson lie, clearly it was true we all saw everybody on the bench laughing about it and the paperwork had gone in to the fourth official, so just laugh it off Roy don't lie on national television and then even worse when you realised you had been caught out try and blame the television people, just tell the truth and then you wouldn't have to look like the bungling idiot that you are.
it's about time the media and the country woke up this man has done enough to lose his job several times over and he is managing our expectations down and down he sooner people see it the sooner we will no longer have to watch his panic stricken, nervous face during games as even he realises how far out his depth he is.
  Don't worry though, we did beat Switzerland, got our worst ever result against San Marino and managed a thumping 1-0 win against 81st ranked Estonia who only had ten players and we have been managed so well that we think this is impressive.


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